Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 18

First of all, everything is still fine. I thought Beau posted a quick "All is well" this morning but with Reed here we are a little out of sorts. I still have no signs of infection and Gaines' heart rate still looks good. One of the attendings came in this morning and I asked her what she thought about Gaines' strips (that's what they call the printed readings of his heart rate). I think I asked if they looked okay. She said yes...if they didn't look okay you'd know really quickly. I explained that I meant, do they look ok for now, or do they look good? She said they looked very encouraging. I was happy to hear that.

Also, yesterday another attending came in. She said she met me on my first night here. I must have been really out of it because I don't remember her at all. Anyway, I talked to her for a little while and I really liked her. At one point she said something to the effect of what a better place we were in now than we were when I first got here. I told her that I didn't know what the difference was but that I felt like 26 weeks was a milestone. She mentioned that maybe I should have the NICU doctors come back in. I told her I didn't want to. She said she understood but that they'd be able to give us more favorable information at this point. Maybe I'll let them back in at 28 weeks. I don't know. I just figure I shouldn't even have that stuff in my brain right now. I'll get there when I have to. One little thought that has been encouraging to me whenever I worry about having a healthy baby is that you aren't guaranteed at healthy baby even if you deliver at 40 weeks. I know that its in God's hands. Thankfully I've had more of a peace about this the last few days.

I really cannot believe we've been here 18 days. That's 18 days of not cooking dinner, 18 days of not picking up my little boy, 18 days of not working, or straightening up or wearing clothes other than pajamas, or being what used to be normal. The weird thing is that this has become normal very quickly.

If I had heard of someone else going through something like this, I wouldn't have even been able to fathom it. I would have been paralyzed at the thought of how you handle something like this. Being in danger of having a baby way too early, being 900 miles from home and my child, and finding a way to live in an expensive city while paying for our life back home (just to name a few of the concerns that come along with this) is overwhelming. BUT...through all of this, God has provided. I mean He really has. Every prayer that I have sent up thus far, has been answered. I just wanted you all to know that if one day you end up in one of these trials (and if it can happen to me it can happen to anyone), just have faith that God will provide...He so does.

I'll get off my soapbox for now. Time for a little color commentary. People in DC are crazy about this cherry blossom business. I mean they have been all over the news here, the metro has been packed (according to Beau) and the hotels and flights are more expensive (according to my in-laws that picked this weekend to visit). So, if you are ever in DC around this time of sure to see the cherry blossoms.

One other quick thing that I thought was funny. I caught the tail end of a transmission commercial this morning. The part I saw said, "Leaking fluid? We'll fix it.". It might just be me that finds this funny but I thought it was hilarious given my current situation.

Sorry for the delay in posting today but with Reed here life has been different. I LOVE seeing him. Keep us in your prayers tomorrow...he leaves. Please pray for safe travels for Reed, no infection and for Gaines to keep being happy where he is.

It's been a good day.


P.S. I let Beau "edit" this since apparently, I am not quite the writing prodigy I thought I was but I had to go back in an fix a mistake he made. So Ha Beau.


Linda Benkwith said...

Beau and Brittany
I have been keeping up with your posts and have also sent your blog to Bonnie. We will all keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Linda Benkwith

Julie said...

I can't even remember how I linked to your blog but we are praying for you here in Birmingham! my husband grew up in Wetumpka and we lived in montgomery on Felder Ave when we first married.

Hang in there!

Julie H.

King J's Queen said...

We are so thankful things are continuting to progress well for all of you. We keep praying for you!

malette-foreveryoung said...

I am praying for you and your unborn son. I am also praying for your husband and Reed. I did find you comment about having a leak and that they could fit it kinda funny, I am glad you can find things funny.
I am praying for you and your family from ND

Jamie said...

Praying for you and your family from Alabaster, AL!!!

Caleb and Emily's Mommy said...

I can't remember how I found your blog but I am praying for your sweet little baby everyday. My family and I live in Huntsville and we moved here from an area outside of DC. And yes, people go crazy over the cherry blossoms!

Stephanie said...

Still praying for more days and healthy heartrates!

Keeping Reed in my prayers as he travels back home tomorrow...glad you had a good weekend and got to see your litle boy!

Amanda said...

I've been in your situation almost exactly and He does provide- Amen!!! Good for you for recognizing that adding more to your head right now is not good. you'll have plenty of conversations with the NICU doctor's once Gaines does arrive, but for now, just let it be and know that He is with you. I really like your peace that even having a baby at 40 weeks doesn't guarentee everything will be good. Hang in there!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad to hear that you and Gaines are continuing to do well. Praying for both of you!

Anonymous said...

My name is Martha and I am a writer for a new online journal called Moms Who Blog. I am writing an article about moms who have blogs to create support networks when they are dealing with health issues. Also, I will be looking at people using blogs to keep family and friends updated. Would you be willing to answer some questions through e-mail? If so...if you could e-mail me at that would be fabulous.
Best wishes, Martha

Unknown said...

Thinking about you guys and praying for you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do here in Montgomery!


Mollie and the Minis said...

Brittany, I haven't checked your page in a few days, but you continue to be on my heart. What a blessing to see you had time to share your heart this morning. It is funny, how I am beginning to see who you are, even though we have never met, and that as I pray for you, God is making your situation more real to me, and I am challenged to pray even more. I want to thank you for all that you shared today. I have been blessed in so many ways, and yet, God is still faithfully placing those "stretching" situations in my life that challenge me to grow a little more. Last week was a harder week for me and you have encouraged me so in hearing your proclaim the faithfulness of God and how he meets your needs right where you are. I am encouraged this morning, and inspired to remember God's goodness even in the tough circumstances and to embrace the "stretching" times that let us see more of God's Heart and Love and Care for us. You are one more link in a chain of messages God has been bringing to my attention this week. Thank you for being such a tremendous blessing in my life. You and your precious boys, all three of them, remain in my prayers. To God be the Glory for the great things He has done, is doing and will do for you. He loves you Brittany, and He is not going to leave your side for a second! Sincerely, Mollie Smith (Katie Smith's cousin)

Thomas and Jamie said...

Brittany, Beau and Reed -

Like some of the others on here, I don't know you personally! But, I'm still praying here in Canyon, TX that God will keep his hand over you all!! Little Gaines is a blessed little boy! We're praying that we don't get to see pictures of him for a VERY long time!!

Stoney said...

trust me brittany, beau isn't the writing prodigy he thinks he is either