Friday, May 1, 2009

Good News...not Great News & Pictures

Gaines continues to remain stable on the cpap. His blood gas levels remain the same and the doctors seem to be okay with them and will now monitor them every 12 hours rather than every 6. The doctors have told us that the blood gases are what they expect for Gaines "age" and the fact he was recently extubated. However, we hope to see some improvement as his blood gas levels are higher than what is considered normal. He has maintained 40-45% oxygen since last night and the doctors increased his feedings by 2 cc's (he is fed every 3 hours). It seems as though he is holding his own with the cpap.

We got the results back from the heart echo. The news is good, not great. The Pediatric Cardiologist told us that his aorta looks good and there are no signs of narrowing at this time (this was great news). However, there is some tissue inside his PDA valve that slightly extends into his aorta. As his PDA valve closes, the tissue will constrict possibly causing some narrowing of the aorta. This is something the Cardiologist wants to monitor and has ordered another heart echo for early next week. Basically, we can rule out any narrowing of the aorta at this time, but we can not rule it out in the future. We were hoping to get more definitive news from the echo so we could rule out the narrowing aorta altogether. Oh well, as we have learned after one week in the least it wasn't bad news.

Please continue to pray for Gaines' lungs, heart and overall health. I wish all of you could be in that NICU and feel God's presence. Our prayers are being answered. Below are a few new pictures of Gaines.


Look...very few machines!


Katie said...

Still praying in Texas!


Sarah said...

I went up and peeked at him this afternoon when I had some free time. He is absolutely GORGEOUS!

I'm going to try to make it a routine, for a quick hello and a prayer each day. :) My stomach still feels hollow every time I walk in that NICU (if you come back and visit in a year, you'll know what I mean). But it wasn't like that today, when I was going to see your beautiful baby boy!

Praying that the PDA closes without any problems.

Melody said...

He is so precious!! Still praying!!

kim_brough said...

Is he still moving around a lot?

Grammy Jane said...

Thanks for the pictures of that precious baby. Still praying in College Station, Texas.

Sharon said...

Florida here - still praying for beautiful Gaines!!! :)

Unknown said...

May the One who blessed our ancestors --

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,

Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah --

bless and heal the one who is ill:

May the Holy Blessed One

overflow with compassion upon Gaines,

to restore him,

to heal him,

to strengthen him,

to enliven him.

The One will send him, speedily,

a complete healing --

healing of the soul and healing of the body --

along with all the ill,

among the people of Israel and all humankind,



without delay,

and let us all say: Amen!

Mobachs said...

what a sweetheart.. and I swear he looks bigger already!!! We continue to pray for good news!

Footprints Ministry said...

Love his cute hat!!! We're praying the test next week goes well! Please let us know if we can do anything.

"Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you.I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." Isaiah 41:10

Stephanie said...


Justin and Marcie said...

You have constant prayers in Birmingham, AL! Just remember that God will never put more on you than you can handle. This will make you a stronger family in the end. Keep your chins up!

Kelli said...

Bless that sweet baby, Lord, with perfect health for your glory!

Barb said...

What a gorgeous little guy Gaines is!!! Sending lots of prayers from Wisconsin...

Unknown said...

How cute! Thank you for sharing the pictures :)

The Ellis Family said...

What a handsome little man - and look how huge he is!! Reed was an angel yesterday and last night. He is saying Kat and Maddie too! (He calls Maddie something that sounds like Maggie, but it's adorable that he knows who they are!)

We love you and are praying for all of you each day!


Anonymous said...

I think he looks bigger already, praying in Cincinnati.

Anonymous said...

may the Lord God of Israel bless and keep in in his loving care keep praying and as his grace is sufficient for us he is able to save and do miracles with your baby God bless from sheila in uk at the premature Baby Store