Monday, August 31, 2009

Getting Ready

Gaines had two doctors look at him today. I know, normally we are complaining about the doctors switching all the time and today he actually had two doctors review his progress. The NICU had very young twins admitted today. Since the twins were so young and so small, they had an extra doctor. Anyway, both doctors were pleased with Gaines' progress. They decided to keep him on lasix as needed rather than a scheduled dose every day. They also increased the calories in his bottles.

The most exciting news of the day was the doctors increased his oxygen to 100%. He is on 2 liters, 100% oxygen. They did this because he will be on 100% when he comes home. Basically, they are starting the process of getting him ready to go home. Please understand this process of getting him ready to go home will take weeks not days. However, it is exciting to hear a doctor mention Gaines going home. Maybe the end is near.

Please pray for Gaines and please pray for this specific prayer request. Brittany and I think we have found someone to be Gaines' nanny. I left her a message today offering her the job. We haven't heard back yet but are praying that this works out.



Diana said...

Praying that the preparations for home go well and that you are all together very soon.

Lori said...

This is sounding really exciting to get him home, and with the nanny search coming to a close, yippie. Prayers here in Ohio.

Thomas and Jamie said...

And ALL God's People Said - AMEN!

Tiffany Lockette said...

Fantastic job Mr. Gaines!! Keep up the good work. Pulling for you little guy and continuing my prayers.

Unknown said...

It is soooooo not the end - it's merely the end of this chapter in the book of his life, and the beginning of the next chapter - the chapter that allows mom and dad to have LOTS more snuggle time with their younger son. And that's a good thing - it's also a God thing! :) Congrats!

Laura and family said...

Very exciting news, but I have a question. Why will Gaines come home on 100% if he is capable of less? Earlier he was on 2 L and approx 60% right? I am just confused about that!