Thursday, August 6, 2009

No News is Good News

Gaines' oxygen requirement fluctuated today between 40% and 45%. Most of the time he was at 40%. In the past five days Gaines has gone from 5 liters at 65% to 4 liters at 40%. The nurses did not try to wean his oxygen today (doctor's orders). The doctor also told us that Gaines' oxygen will probably not be able to be weaned more than 2-3% every 2-3 days.

Gaines did take 23 CC's at his 11:oo bottle feeding today and took 12 CC's at his bottle feeding tonight.

We should have more pictures to post tomorrow. We are taking Reed to the Biscuits' Game tomorrow night (minor league baseball).



Unknown said...

I'm still keeping up with you guys and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
That which does not kill us makes us stronger. He doesn't give us more than we can bear, it just seems like it some times! ms angie

Karen said...

Glad to hear Gaines continues to make progress. And hope ya'll had a good family outing with Reed at the ball game!

Still praying in Oneonta

Heidi said...

I was at B-South yesterday in peds visiting a little boy with Spina Biffida and I thought of you guys. Funny, we will be at the game tonight too. Tonight is "Family Faith Night"! What a perfect night to go huh? To bad Gaines name could not be mentioned in prayer. Have fun, and we are still praying for ya'll....

Heidi Murphy
Frazer UMC

Anonymous said...

We are still praying for Gaines and your whole family! So glad that he is doing so well and can't wait until he can go home!

Much love,