Tuesday, March 31, 2009

As many of you know, Reed is now with my parents in Birmingham. This is a picture of him and his cousin Kathryn eating lunch yesterday. I'm not sure Kathryn knows what to do with him. She is sitting so nice and sweet. Maybe she will rub off on Reed.



Collier Chronicles said...

Too cute! She is a little firecracker too! I love seeing her at church.

I am glad it is still slow up there for you guys!

Ruthie said...

That picture is too sweet! I've been keeping up with your blog every day and praying! So thankful you've hit 26 weeks!

Ruthie in Ohio

Alicia said...

They both are so sweet!

Carrie said...

Reed is a cutie! Don't you just know that he is getting spoiled rotten by the grandparents! I know it's got to be hard to be so far away from him, but he'll be just fine.....now the grandparents.....they probably don't know what's hit them! Take care.

Benjy said...

Must be the War Eagle coming out in him!!!

Debra Davis said...

Hey Brittany and Beau, congratulations on Week 26! We are all still praying hard for you here at Alfa and the Farmers Federation. Just wanted to let you know that I read your blog several times a day to make sure you are still holding on to sweet Gaines. Isn't that funny - I know he will be sweet and he's not even here yet! Take care and thanks for the great updates.

The Ellis Family said...

They are just adorable!! But I guess I am partial since one is mine and one is my nephew!

I love you guys!!

Wonderful to hear 26 weeks!

Tonia said...

That is too funny!! You can totally see the mischievousness on the left side of the picture and the sweet little innocence on the right! :)

No, Reed is sweet and innocent also!! He is just all boy I am sure.

We will pray for 28 weeks!! Yay!