Saturday, November 13, 2010

An Hour Off Oxygen

Just a quick note to let y'all know that I took Gaines off oxygen for an hour this evening and he did it!  I'm so proud of him.  I just unplugged him and checked his sats every 5 minutes and he was above 95 everytime.  Yay for Gaines.  Well, let me clarify that, towards the end he'd be at like 93 but I'd hold him still for a minute and sing to him and he'd go to 95, 96, 97.  I think that counts.  It was probably my voice (its like angels) that pumped him back up...or more than likely, that he was actually still and we got a good reading. Either way, I"m pumped!  We'll try an hour each day for the next three days.  I'll keep you posted. 

Love to all,



The mom of 4 monkeys! said...

Wow, that's great news!

Penni said...

Awesome! We'll send up prayers that it continues to be really successful!!