Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Few New Pictures of the Boys

Below are a few pictures of our boys being silly. In the next couple of days we will try and post a video of Gaines attempting to crawl. Also, if you haven't logged on to our blog lately, there is a new post from Brittany below.


Unknown said...

I can't believe how big Gaines is now! His silly faces are SO adorable.

The mom of 4 monkeys! said...


See, I am commenting now that there are some pictures, lol!

I can not believe how big they have gotten! Gaines has grown so much and is just so cute!!! Love these boys!

Diana said...

Wow, Gaines is getting so big! I can't believe how much he has grown. He looks so much like Reed.

Kelli said...

They are sooooooo cute!!!!!

Lori said...

Wow Gaines sure looks like Reed. I'm loving his happy smiles I can almost hear his giggles!!!

4D Life said...

Cuteness x 2!!!

Stacy Brown said...

They are too cute!

Terri Teacher said...

I Love The New Pics! They are growing...So Cute!

Grammy Jane said...

Those two boys are just too cute!!They look a lot alike. Enjoy them, they'll be grown before you know it!

sanjeet said...

He looks so much like Reed.
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